↔️Item Slot Settings

All item slot settings are saved in item_slot_settings folder, an example file is here:

    - wooden_pickaxe
    - stone_pickaxe
    - iron_pickaxe
    - golden_pickaxe
    - diamond_pickaxe
    - netherite_pickaxe
    - wooden_hoe
    - stone_hoe
    - iron_hoe
    - golden_hoe
    - diamond_hoe
    - netherite_hoe
    - wooden_axe
    - stone_axe
    - iron_axe
    - golden_axe
    - diamond_axe
    - netherite_axe
    - wooden_shovel
    - stone_shovel
    - iron_shovel
    - golden_shovel
    - diamond_shovel
    - netherite_shovel
    - wooden_sword
    - stone_sword
    - iron_sword
    - golden_sword
    - diamond_sword
    - netherite_sword
    - fishing_rod
    - trident
    - elytra
    - bow
    - crossbow
    - carrot_on_a_stick
    - shield
    - turtle_helmet
    - leather_helmet
    - chainmail_helmet
    - iron_helmet
    - golden_helmet
    - diamond_helmet
    - netherite_helmet
    - leather_chestplate
    - chainmail_chestplate
    - iron_chestplate
    - golden_chestplate
    - diamond_chestplate
    - netherite_chestplate
    - leather_leggings
    - chainmail_leggings
    - iron_leggings
    - golden_leggings
    - diamond_leggings
    - netherite_leggings
    - leather_boots
    - chainmail_boots
    - iron_boots
    - golden_boots
    - diamond_boots
    - netherite_boots
    #- enchanted_book
    #- book
    - mace

auto-add-lore: false

  default: 3
  vip: 5

  default: 10
  vip: 15

      type: permission
      permission: 'group.vip'

This feature allows you to set the number of default slots and max slots for matching items. If the item matches, it will be automatically added to the enchantment slot. Please note that this process is not instantaneous and requires interaction between the player and the item. In most survival modes, obtaining the item will be automatically detected. If not, it can be interacted with once.

Auto Add Lore

If enabled, even if the item has not been set slot due to not being interacted with yet, we will still calculate its default slot value and add enchantment slot lore. This process will consume a certain amount of server performance.

Set slot represents writing a special NBT to the player's item to record how many enchanted slots the item currently has. You can set when to execute set slots through set-slots-trigger section at config.yml file.

  # This is when will the plugin trying adds enchantment slot NBT for an enchantable item which also means set fixed
  # enchantment slot for an item.
    add-hide-enchant-flag: false
    # This option support ProtocolLib only.
    # Enable this maybe improve plugin performance.
      enabled: true
      # Only plugin has enchantment slot NBT will be checked.
      remove-illegal-excess-enchant: true
      enabled: true
      # Whether cancel the enchantment event or remove extra enchantment if
      # item reached slot limit after enchant.
      cancel-if-reached-slot: false
      enabled: true
      # If your item has display issue after use anvil, you can try to enable this.
      update-item: false
      enabled: true
      # If set to true, we will reset old item enchantment slot and then regenerate new slot
      # value for new item, enchantments won't affect by this option.
      reset-previous-slot: true
      # If set to true, if new generated slot value smaller than existed slot value, we will still
      #      # keep use existed value as new upgraded item's slot limit.
      keep-greater-slot: true
    # Enable this maybe improve plugin performance.
    # Maybe has incompatible issue with other plugins.
      enabled: true

Match Item

Which item will use this item slot settings, should use Match Item Format. In this example, material is just a rule type in Match Item Format, you can choose delete it, and select other rule here. You are allow to use unlimited match item rules here. For example:

      - 'Enchantable'
      - 'Epic'

Default Slots

The default-slots section determines the default slot quantity for all items.

Among them, default represents the default quantity, while the other options are the condition IDs in the slot-conditions section. Players who meet the corresponding conditions will use the value after the corresponding condition ID. We will ultimately take the highest value.

Max Slots

Players can use Extra slot items to increase the enchantment slots of items, but this is not infinite. The max-slots section determines the maximum number of items that can be expanded through Extra slot items.

Slot Conditions

You can set countless condition groups here, and each condition ID can be used in the options above. Players who meet specific conditions can use values different from the default option. Use Condition Format in each condition group section.

Random Slots

You can use the <start number>~<end number> format to make the slot be random, for example:

  default: 1~2
  vip: 3~4

To use this feature, you have to DISABLE auto-add-lore option in the slot settings file, after disable, item without slot data will no longer auto display it's enchantment slot lore.

Last updated