🛠️Configuration files

The plugin generates the following configuration files, some of which will only be generated after you first use this feature.

  • extra_slot_items: The location for storing extra slot item files.

  • item_slot_settings: The location for storing item slot settings files.

  • languages: The location for storing language files. You can set the language file used by the plugin through the language option in the config.yml file. You can customize various messages within the plugin game through language files. It is not supported to display the corresponding language file based on the player client language. You can only display the same language for all players.

Config.yml file content

# EnchantmentSlots by @PQguanfang
# READ THE WIKI: enchantmentslots.superiormc.cn

# Languages
language: en_US

debug: false

  skull: false

# Settings
  # This is when will the plugin trying adds enchantment slot NBT for an enchantable item which also means set fixed
  # enchantment slot for an item.
    add-hide-enchant-flag: false
    # This option support ProtocolLib only.
    # Enable this maybe improve plugin performance.
      enabled: true
      # Only plugin has enchantment slot NBT will be checked.
        enabled: true
        hide-remove-message: false
        ignore-join-time: -1
        run-sync: true
      enabled: true
      # Whether cancel the enchantment event or remove extra enchantment if
      # item reached slot limit after enchant.
      cancel-if-reached-slot: false
      enabled: true
      # If your item has display issue after use anvil, you can try to enable this.
      update-item: false
      enabled: true
      # If set to true, we will reset old item enchantment slot and then regenerate new slot
      # value for new item, enchantments won't affect by this option.
      reset-previous-slot: true
      # If set to true, if new generated slot value smaller than existed slot value, we will still
      #      # keep use existed value as new upgraded item's slot limit.
      keep-greater-slot: true
    # Enable this maybe improve plugin performance.
    # Maybe has incompatible issue with other plugins.
      enabled: true
      - book
      - enchanted_book
    # ProtolcolLib only.
    remove-lore-first: true
    lore-prefix: "§y"
    auto-hide-enchants: true
    # This option support ProtocolLib only.
    # Enable this maybe improve plugin performance.
    only-in-player-inventory: true
    # Whether only-in-player-inventory option only checks chest UI.
    check-chests-only: true
    # Which item will not display lore.
        - book
        - enchanted_book
    # Support plugin:
    #   - eco (Do not change unless you are know what you are doing)
    #   - ProtocolLib (Classic and stable choice)
    use-listener-plugin: ProtocolLib
    # ProtocolLib Support value:
    #    LOWEST(0),
    #    LOW(1),
    #    NORMAL(2),
    #    HIGH(3),
    #    HIGHEST(4),
    #    MONITOR(5)
    # eco Support value:
    #    CUSTOM(250),
    #    LOWEST(100),
    #    LOW(200),
    #    HIGH(300),
    #    HIGHEST(400)
    # The value after the value just a number help you know it's level, do not type them in option.
    packet-listener-priority: LOWEST
    # Does not support other packed-based item, enchants plugins.
    # Like EcoEnchants, EcoItems. (You can also try eco as use-listener-plugin, then change packet-listener-priority)
    # They will always put their lore at first location and EnchantmentSlots can do nothing about it.
    at-first-or-last: false
    # Do not change this option when server started!
    # Only change this if your server has stopped!
      - "&#ff3300Enchantment Slots: {enchant_amount}/{slot_amount}"
      - "{enchants}"
      - "{empty_slots}"
      auto-parse: true
        # Other placeholder: {enchant_level_roman}, {raw_enchant_name}
        format: '&6  {enchant_name} {enchant_level}'
        sort: true
        level-hide-one: true
        format: '&7  --- Empty Slot ---'
  # Whether you use item tier instead of item ID in Items Match Rule
  # If this item plugin don't have tier, will still use Item ID as identify.
  # Supported plugins: EcoItems, EcoArmor, MMOItems
  use-tier-identify-slots: false
  close-inventory-if-reached-limit: true
  # Whether cancel add slot or just set item slot to max slot value and still consume add slot item
  # if item reached max slot limit after using add slot items.
  cancel-add-slot-if-reached-max-slot: true

# Enchant Level
  1: ①
  2: ②
  3: ③
  4: ④
  5: ⑤
  6: ⑥

# Enchant Name
  # Default providing vanilla enchantments here.
  # For third enchantment plugins:
  # Plugin will auto get enchantment display name that provided by EcoEnchants and ExcellentEnchants
  # If you are not using the 2 plugins, please using "Enchantment Key: Enchantment Display Name" format
  # Like:
  # an_other_enchantment: 'This is just an example here!'
  protection: 'Protection'
  fire_protection: 'Fire Protection'
  feather_falling: 'Feather Falling'
  blast_protection: 'Blast Protection'
  projectile_protection: 'Projectile Protection'
  respiration: 'Respiration'
  aqua_affinity: 'Aqua Affinity'
  thorns: 'Thorns'
  depth_strider: 'Depth Strider'
  frost_walker: 'Frost Walker'
  binding_curse: 'Binding Curse'
  sharpness: 'Sharpness'
  smite: 'Smite'
  bane_of_arthropods: 'Bane of Arthropods'
  knockback: 'Knockback'
  fire_aspect: 'Fire Aspect'
  looting: 'Looting'
  sweeping: 'Sweeping'
  # For 1.21+
  sweeping_edge: 'Sweeping Edge'
  efficiency: 'Efficiency'
  silk_touch: 'Silk Touch'
  unbreaking: 'Unbreaking'
  fortune: 'Fortune'
  power: 'Power'
  punch: 'Punch'
  flame: 'Flame'
  infinity: 'Infinity'
  luck_of_the_sea: 'Luck of the Sea'
  lure: 'Lure'
  loyalty: 'Loyalty'
  impaling: 'Impaling'
  riptide: 'Riptide'
  channeling: 'Channeling'
  multishot: 'Multishot'
  quick_charge: 'Quick Charge'
  piercing: 'Piercing'
  mending: 'Mending'
  vanishing_curse: 'Vanishing Curse'
  soul_speed: 'Soul Speed'
  wind_burst: 'Wind Burst'
  breach: 'Breach'
  density: 'Density'

Last updated