📍Item Placeholder

Placeholder List

We support use those item placeholder in other item plugins, you can use [] symbol to replace {} symbol too:

  • {enchants} - Display item's enchantments. We don't auto hide enchants of the item, you have to add HIDE_ENCHANTS flag to item by yourself!

  • {empty_slots} - Display item's empty slots.

  • {enchant_amount} - Display item's enchantment amount.

  • {slot_amount} - Display item's max slot amount.

Example: Hide Auto Add Lore

You need install MythicChanger and set add-lore.match-item section to be:

  # Only item that can be enchanted will be added lore.
  # If item don't have enchantment slot NBT, plugin will auto calculate it default slot as max slot.
    # Require MythicChanger.
    # Which item will display lore.
          - book
          - enchanted_book
      has-lore: false # Added line, after add, item with lore won't auto add lore.

MMOItems Issue

For MMOItems 6.9.4 version users:

  • You can use [] to replace {} to solve placeholder can not be used problem. This is MMOItems' problem. Like [enchants].

Before 6.9.4 and after 6.9.4 version, MMOItems does not have this problem anymore.

Creative Mode Issue

Item Placeholder can not be used in creative mode when you use them outside EnchantmentSlot (like put them into MMOItems), otherwise the placeholders will never be updated anymore.

Last updated