Q: I installed multi server sync plugin like HuskSync and sometimes my enchantments get lost.


Open config.yml file and find those content:

      enabled: true
      # Only plugin has enchantment slot NBT will be checked.
        enabled: true 
        hide-remove-message: false 
        ignore-join-time: -1
        run-sync: true

Please change ignore-join-time option to 5 (or a number greater than 5), and then change run-sync option to true.

If this does not work for you, the best way is disable remove illegal excess enchant feature by change enabled option to false.

Q: Seems that my item does not have enchantment slot lore added!


  • Check whether you have installed the packet listener plugin you set in config.yml. If yes, then please check whether that plugin is worked in your server.

  • Check whether you have other plugin also try to modify this item's lore. The best way to test this is delete all plugins except for EnchantmentSlots and your packet listener plugin.

  • Usually, that because you didn't put this item into item-can-be-enchanted section or didn't set a default slot value for it. Try hold the item in survival mode and use command /es setslots 5, if the lore display after that, this just because your config wrong.

  • Check your config file, your config.yml maybe has wrong format, try regenerate config file.

  • Don't drag item from creaative inventory, please keep your game mode into survival, and try use /give command, crafting and other ways to gain items.

  • There is auto-add-lore option in config.yml, if all of those above does not work for you, try to enable this option.

Q: Why all my enchantments are English or seems a ID?

A: You should set enchantment name at the plugin config.yml's enchant-name section.

Q: Does enchantment lore order be changed in item lore?

A: If you EnchantmentSlots auto add lore for those items, it can only at first or last of item lore, or you use our item placeholder into your item lore.

Q: How to hide enchantment slot lore?

A: Please view this page.

Last updated