Set slot represents writing a special NBT to the player's item to record how many enchanted slots the item currently has. You can set when to execute set slots through set-slots-trigger section at config.yml file.
# This is when will the plugin trying adds enchantment slot NBT for an enchantable item which also means set fixed
# enchantment slot for an item.
add-hide-enchant-flag: false
black-book: true
# This option support ProtocolLib only.
# Enable this maybe improve plugin performance.
enabled: true
# Only plugin has enchantment slot NBT will be checked.
remove-illegal-excess-enchant: true
enabled: true
# Whether cancel the enchantment event or remove extra enchantment if
# item reached slot limit after enchant.
cancel-if-reached-slot: false
enabled: true
# If your item has display issue after use anvil, you can try to enable this.
update-item: false
enabled: true
# If set to true, we will reset old item enchantment slot and then regenerate new slot
# value for new item, enchantments won't affect by this option.
reset-previous-slot: true
# If set to true, if new generated slot value smaller than existed slot value, we will still
# # keep use existed value as new upgraded item's slot limit.
keep-greater-slot: true
# Enable this maybe improve plugin performance.
# Maybe has incompatible issue with other plugins.
enabled: true
Enchantable items without set slots will automatically calculate their enchanting slots through default-slots in the configuration file. This process consumes a lot of server performance, but the result is that the enchantment slots for the item are not fixed, which means that when player A drops the item to player B, the number of enchantment slots will change depending on the conditions met.