🛠️Configuration files

Config.yml file content

# EnchantmentSlots by @PQguanfang
# READ THE WIKI: enchantmentslots.superiormc.cn

# Languages
language: en_US

debug: false

  skull: false

# Settings
    # Auto add enchantment slot lore for all item that can be enchanted.
    # If disabled, only item has enchantment slot NBT will display lore.
    # Maybe lead to server lag after enable.
    auto-add-lore: false
      - wooden_pickaxe
      - stone_pickaxe
      - iron_pickaxe
      - golden_pickaxe
      - diamond_pickaxe
      - netherite_pickaxe
      - wooden_hoe
      - stone_hoe
      - iron_hoe
      - golden_hoe
      - diamond_hoe
      - netherite_hoe
      - wooden_axe
      - stone_axe
      - iron_axe
      - golden_axe
      - diamond_axe
      - netherite_axe
      - wooden_shovel
      - stone_shovel
      - iron_shovel
      - golden_shovel
      - diamond_shovel
      - netherite_shovel
      - wooden_sword
      - stone_sword
      - iron_sword
      - golden_sword
      - diamond_sword
      - netherite_sword
      - fishing_rod
      - trident
      - elytra
      - bow
      - crossbow
      - carrot_on_a_stick
      - shield
      - turtle_helmet
      - leather_helmet
      - chainmail_helmet
      - iron_helmet
      - golden_helmet
      - diamond_helmet
      - netherite_helmet
      - leather_chestplate
      - chainmail_chestplate
      - iron_chestplate
      - golden_chestplate
      - diamond_chestplate
      - netherite_chestplate
      - leather_leggings
      - chainmail_leggings
      - iron_leggings
      - golden_leggings
      - diamond_leggings
      - netherite_leggings
      - leather_boots
      - chainmail_boots
      - iron_boots
      - golden_boots
      - diamond_boots
      - netherite_boots
      - enchanted_book
      - book
      - mace
    # Require MythicChanger.
    # EnchantmentSlots built-in a very simple match item system, allow you put item ID only here.
    # For more complex use, please install MythicChanger and use it's match item rules!
        - wooden_pickaxe
        - stone_pickaxe
        - iron_pickaxe
        - golden_pickaxe
        - diamond_pickaxe
        - netherite_pickaxe
        - wooden_hoe
        - stone_hoe
        - iron_hoe
        - golden_hoe
        - diamond_hoe
        - netherite_hoe
        - wooden_axe
        - stone_axe
        - iron_axe
        - golden_axe
        - diamond_axe
        - netherite_axe
        - wooden_shovel
        - stone_shovel
        - iron_shovel
        - golden_shovel
        - diamond_shovel
        - netherite_shovel
        - wooden_sword
        - stone_sword
        - iron_sword
        - golden_sword
        - diamond_sword
        - netherite_sword
        - fishing_rod
        - trident
        - elytra
        - bow
        - crossbow
        - carrot_on_a_stick
        - shield
        - turtle_helmet
        - leather_helmet
        - chainmail_helmet
        - iron_helmet
        - golden_helmet
        - diamond_helmet
        - netherite_helmet
        - leather_chestplate
        - chainmail_chestplate
        - iron_chestplate
        - golden_chestplate
        - diamond_chestplate
        - netherite_chestplate
        - leather_leggings
        - chainmail_leggings
        - iron_leggings
        - golden_leggings
        - diamond_leggings
        - netherite_leggings
        - leather_boots
        - chainmail_boots
        - iron_boots
        - golden_boots
        - diamond_boots
        - netherite_boots
        - enchanted_book
        - book
        - mace
  # This is when will the plugin trying adds enchantment slot NBT for an enchantable item which also means set fixed
  # enchantment slot for an item.
    add-hide-enchant-flag: false
    black-book: true
    # This option support ProtocolLib only.
    # Enable this maybe improve plugin performance.
      enabled: true
      # Only plugin has enchantment slot NBT will be checked.
      remove-illegal-excess-enchant: true
      enabled: true
      # Whether cancel the enchantment event or remove extra enchantment if
      # item reached slot limit after enchant.
      cancel-if-reached-slot: false
      enabled: true
      # If your item has display issue after use anvil, you can try to enable this.
      update-item: false
      enabled: true
      # If set to true, we will reset old item enchantment slot and then regenerate new slot
      # value for new item, enchantments won't affect by this option.
      reset-previous-slot: true
      # If set to true, if new generated slot value smaller than existed slot value, we will still
      #      # keep use existed value as new upgraded item's slot limit.
      keep-greater-slot: true
    # Enable this maybe improve plugin performance.
    # Maybe has incompatible issue with other plugins.
      enabled: false
  # Only item that can be enchanted will be added lore.
  # If item don't have enchantment slot NBT, plugin will auto calculate it default slot as max slot.
    # Require MythicChanger.
    # Which item will display lore.
          - book
          - enchanted_book
    # Book will no longer display enchantment slot lore.
    black-book: true
    # This option support ProtocolLib only.
    # Enable this maybe improve plugin performance.
    only-in-player-inventory: true
    # Whether only-in-player-inventory option only checks chest UI.
    check-chests-only: true
    # Support plugin:
    #   - eco (Do not change unless you are know what you are doing)
    #   - ProtocolLib (Classic and stable choice)
    use-listener-plugin: ProtocolLib
    # ProtocolLib Support value:
    #    LOWEST(0),
    #    LOW(1),
    #    NORMAL(2),
    #    HIGH(3),
    #    HIGHEST(4),
    #    MONITOR(5)
    # eco Support value:
    #    CUSTOM(250),
    #    LOWEST(100),
    #    LOW(200),
    #    HIGH(300),
    #    HIGHEST(400)
    # The value after the value just a number help you know it's level, do not type them in option.
    packet-listener-priority: LOWEST
    # Does not support other packed-based item, enchants plugins.
    # Like EcoEnchants, EcoItems. (You can also try eco as use-listener-plugin, then change packet-listener-priority)
    # They will always put their lore at first location and EnchantmentSlots can do nothing about it.
    at-first-or-last: false
    # Do not change this option when server started!
    # Only change this if your server has stopped!
      - "&#ff3300Enchantment Slots: {enchant_amount}/{slot_amount}"
      - "{enchants}"
      - "{empty_slots}"
        # Other placeholder: {enchant_level_roman}, {raw_enchant_name}
        format: '&6  {enchant_name} {enchant_level}'
        sort: true
        level-hide-one: true
        format: '&7  --- Empty Slot ---'
    default: 3
    vip: 5
  #  diamond_sword:
  #    default: 20
  #    vip: 30
  #  # You can type third plugin item ID here.
  #  # For now, EnchantmentSlots support:
  #  # MMOItems, EcoItems, EcoArmor, MythicMobs, NeigeItems, ItemsAdder, Oraxen, ExecutableItems.
  #  superior_sword:
  #    default: 100
  #    vip: 200
  # Only work for extra slot items.
  # Remove this section if you don't want this feature.
    default: 10
    vip: 15
  # max-slots-by-item:
  # Similar to default-slots-by-item, remove the section to not use this feature.
        type: permission
        permission: 'group.vip'
  # Whether you use item tier instead of item ID to identify item slots.
  # If this item plugin don't have tier, will still use Item ID as identify.
  use-tier-identify-slots: false
  close-inventory-if-reached-limit: true
  # Whether cancel add slot or just set item slot to max slot value and still consume add slot item
  # if item reached max slot limit after using add slot items.
  cancel-add-slot-if-reached-max-slot: true

    material: PAPER
    name: '&dExtra Enchantment Slot &7(+1)'
      - '&fDrag this item into your item to use!'
      - '&fApply for all items but have only 50% success rate!'
    add-slots: 1
    chance: 50
    conditions: []
        type: sound
        sound: 'block.note_block.harp'
        type: message
        message: '&#98FB98[EnchantmentSlots] &aAdd {amount} extra enchantment slot to your item!'
        type: sound
        sound: 'block.note_block.bass'
        type: message
        message: '&#98FB98[EnchantmentSlots] &cYou are not very lucky, slot item has broken!'
      - '*'
    material: PAPER
    custom-model-data: 5
    name: '&dExtra Enchantment Slot &7(+5)'
      - '&fDrag this item into your item to use!'
      - '&f100% success but only work for diamond sword.'
    add-slots: 5
      - 'none'
        type: sound
        sound: 'block.note_block.harp'
        type: message
        message: '&#98FB98[EnchantmentSlots] &aAdd {amount} extra enchantment slot to your item!'
        type: sound
        sound: 'block.note_block.bass'
        type: message
        message: '&#98FB98[EnchantmentSlots] &cYou are not very lucky, slot item has broken!'
      - 'diamond_sword'
    #  - 'iron_sword'

# Enchant Level
  1: ①
  2: ②
  3: ③
  4: ④
  5: ⑤
  6: ⑥

# Enchant Name
  # Default providing vanilla enchantments here.
  # For third enchantment plugins:
  # Plugin will auto get enchantment display name that provided by EcoEnchants and ExcellentEnchants
  # If you are not using the 2 plugins, please using "Enchantment Key: Enchantment Display Name" format
  # Like:
  # an_other_enchantment: 'This is just an example here!'
  protection: 'Protection'
  fire_protection: 'Fire Protection'
  feather_falling: 'Feather Falling'
  blast_protection: 'Blast Protection'
  projectile_protection: 'Projectile Protection'
  respiration: 'Respiration'
  aqua_affinity: 'Aqua Affinity'
  thorns: 'Thorns'
  depth_strider: 'Depth Strider'
  frost_walker: 'Frost Walker'
  binding_curse: 'Binding Curse'
  sharpness: 'Sharpness'
  smite: 'Smite'
  bane_of_arthropods: 'Bane of Arthropods'
  knockback: 'Knockback'
  fire_aspect: 'Fire Aspect'
  looting: 'Looting'
  sweeping: 'Sweeping'
  # For 1.21+
  sweeping_edge: 'Sweeping Edge'
  efficiency: 'Efficiency'
  silk_touch: 'Silk Touch'
  unbreaking: 'Unbreaking'
  fortune: 'Fortune'
  power: 'Power'
  punch: 'Punch'
  flame: 'Flame'
  infinity: 'Infinity'
  luck_of_the_sea: 'Luck of the Sea'
  lure: 'Lure'
  loyalty: 'Loyalty'
  impaling: 'Impaling'
  riptide: 'Riptide'
  channeling: 'Channeling'
  multishot: 'Multishot'
  quick_charge: 'Quick Charge'
  piercing: 'Piercing'
  mending: 'Mending'
  vanishing_curse: 'Vanishing Curse'
  soul_speed: 'Soul Speed'
  wind_burst: 'Wind Burst'
  breach: 'Breach'
  density: 'Density'