⚡Auto Add Lore

EnchantmentSlot supports adding information about enchanting slots to the lore of all matched items, which we call auto add lore.

Only items has enchantment slot data will add lore

You shoud note that only items been set slot will have enchantment slot lore added to them. There are 2 ways to set item enchantment slot.

  • Item Slot Settings: This feature allows you to set the number of default slots and max slots for matching items. If the item matches, it will be automatically added to the enchantment slot. Please note that this process is not instantaneous and requires interaction between the player and the item. In most survival modes, obtaining the item will be automatically detected. If not, it can be interacted with once.

  • Commands: You can use /es setslots or /es giveslots command to set your hold item's enchantment slot data.

Black Item

You can use Match Item Format to determine which item will not display enchantment slot lore.

        - book
        - enchanted_book
      has-lore: true

Content of Auto Add Lore

You can set content of Auto Add Lore at config.yml file. Available placeholders:

  • {enchants}

  • {empty_slots}

  • {enchant_amount}

  • {slot_amount}

You can further set options for the {enchants}, {empty_slots} placeholder in auto-lore.placeholder.

Sub Placeholders for {enchants} Placeholder

Available sub placeholders for {enchants}:

Enchantment Sort for {enchants} Placeholder

EnchantmentSlots supports auto enchantment sort in {enchants} placeholder: we will hook into EcoEnchants v10+ or ExcellentEnchants v4 and use it's API to get enchantment display sort in those plugins, for vanilla enchantments, it's depend on how long it was obtained.

Enchantment Name for {enchant_name} Sub Placeholder

By default, other plugins can not get enchantments name that displayed in client. You have to set them in config.yml to make EnchantmentSlots correctly display enchantment name for custom enchantments.

But, EnchantmentSlots will hook into EcoEnchants v10+ or ExcellentEnchants v4 (v3 is supported in version before 3.2.0) and use it's API to get enchantment name, so if you are using the 2 plugins, you don't need manually set enchantment name at config.yml.

    # Does not support other packed-based item, enchants plugins.
    # Like EcoEnchants, EcoItems. (You can also try eco as use-listener-plugin, then change packet-listener-priority)
    # They will always put their lore at first location and EnchantmentSlots can do nothing about it.
    at-first-or-last: false
    # Do not change this option when server started!
    # Only change this if your server has stopped!
      - "&#ff3300Enchantment Slots: {enchant_amount}/{slot_amount}"
      - "{enchants}"
      - "{empty_slots}"
        # Other placeholder: {enchant_level_roman}, {raw_enchant_name}
        format: '&6  {enchant_name} {enchant_level}'
        sort: true
        level-hide-one: true
        format: '&7  --- Empty Slot ---'

Last updated